Хизер Дейл исполняет песню "The Trial of Lancelot". В видеоряде показан текст этой песни.
Текст к песне "The Trial of Lancelot" :
King Arthur's knights they filled the table round,
Save for one who stood before them.
For once without a weapon,
For once he stood in shame.
The trial's charge was treason,
And betrayal of an oath.
And should his guilt be proven,
Death would fall on traitors both.
The knights would counsel Arthur's hard decision.
Текст к песне "The Trial of Lancelot" :
King Arthur's knights they filled the table round,
Save for one who stood before them.
For once without a weapon,
For once he stood in shame.
The trial's charge was treason,
And betrayal of an oath.
And should his guilt be proven,
Death would fall on traitors both.
The knights would counsel Arthur's hard decision.