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четверг, 5 мая 2011 г.

Heather Dale - Joan (Жанна Дарк)

Песня Хезер Дейл "Joan" посвящена народной героине Франции Жанне Дарк (Joan of Arc). Участнице столетней войны, жившей в 1412-1431 годах. Известной также и как "Орлеанская дева".

В возрасте Жанна д'Арк (Joan of Arc) 19 лет была взята в плен англичанами, осуждена церковным судом как ведьма и сожжена на костре. Однако два десятилетия спустя  Святейший Престол пересмотрел ее дело, признал невиновной и объявил мученицей. В 1909 причислена к лику блаженных, а в 1920 канонизирована.

Текст песни "Joan":

I am as God made me
I have no desire
For a mouth at my breast
Or a pot on the fire
I heed the high voices
I go where I'm sent
To mow down the men
Who refuse to repent
I'm a scythe
In a field full of briars

And they won't call me mother
Or sister or wife
They will know me or not
By the strenght of my life
I will burn with a light of my own
They'll know me as Joan
They'll know me as Joan

The courage of Catherine
The flames of the forge
The sword of Saint Michael
The blood of Saint George
I take what I'm given
I follow my truth
I gladly abandon
The bloom of my youth
I'm the lashing
That falls from the scourge

And they won't call me mother
Or sister or wife
They will know me or not
By the strenght of my life
I will burn with a light of my own
They'll know me as Joan
They'll know me as Joan

I fight where God tells me
I never ask why
I've bloodied the devils
That steal from on high
I kill without consequence
Heed no man's law
Sift out the righteous
Like grain from the straw
I am judgment
And heaven is nigh

And they won't call me mother
Or sister or wife
They will know me or not
By the strenght of my life
I will burn with a light of my own
They'll know me as Joan

They'll know me as Joan

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