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среда, 5 августа 2015 г.

Claudin de Sermisy - Au joli bois

Diego Ortiz – Recercada segunda sobre tenores Italianos, VERMELL

Тhоinot Arbeau - Belle, qui tiens ma vie (Pavane), VERMELL

Lyrics Pavane "Тhоinot Arbeau - Belle, qui tiens ma vie":

Belle qui tiens ma vie captive dans tes yeusse,
qui m'as l'ame ravie d'un sourire graciese,
viens tot me secourir, ou me faudra mourir.

John Dowland - Can she excuse my wrongs?

John Dowland - Now O Now I Needs Must Part, VERMELL (Medieval music) .

"John Dowland - Now o now I needs must part" Lyrics

Now, O now, I needs must part,
Parting though I absent mourn.
Absence can no joy impart:
Joy once fled cannot return.
While I live I needs must love,
Love lives not when Hope is gone.
Now at last Despair doth prove,
Love divided loveth none.

   Sad despair doth drive me hence,
   This despair unkindness sends.
    If that parting be offence,
    It is she which then offends.

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