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четверг, 2 июля 2015 г.

"Go-A" - Ой мамо люблю Гриця, "Країна Мрій 2015"

Хелависа и Сергей Вишняков - "Как ветра осенние" (А.Башлачёв трибют)

Запись прямой трансляции фестиваля "Сашин день" 27.05.2015 в клубе Алексея Козлова (Москва).

Хелависа - "Hùg Air A' Bhonaid Mhòir"

Хелависа - "Hùg Air A' Bhonaid Mhòir". Видео с презентации альбома «Новые Ботинки», которая прошла 01.11.2013.

Lyrics:English Translation:
Hùg air a' bhonaid mhòirCelebrate the great bonnet
Cuiribh oirre 's leigibh leathaAdd to it, leave it alone
Tuilleadh air a' bhonaid eileMore on the other bonnet
Chan eil leth gu leòr oirreThere's not half enough on it
Hùg air a' bhonaid mhòirCelebrate the great bonnet
Cuiribh oirre 's leigibh leathaAdd to it, leave it alone
Tuilleadh air a' bhonaid eileMore on the other bonnet
Chan eil leth gu leòr oirreThere's not half enough on it
Bhonaid a bh' aig Dòmhnall BànDonald Ban's bonnet
Ann an Bothalam na tàmhIs to be found in Bothalam
Bha i uiread ris an spàrrIt was as high as the roof joist
B' àird' i na lòbanHigher than the corn-stack frame
Bhonaid a bh' aig Dòmhnall BànDonald Ban's bonnet
Ann an Bothalam na tàmhIs to be found in Bothalam
Bha i uiread ris an spàrrIt was as high as the roof joist
B' àird' i na lòbanHigher than the corn-stack frame
Hùg air a' bhonaid mhòirCelebrate the great bonnet
Cuiribh oirre 's leigibh leathaAdd to it, leave it alone
Tuilleadh air a' bhonaid eileMore on the other bonnet
Chan eil leth gu leòr oirreThere's not half enough on it
Hùg air a' bhonaid mhòirCelebrate the great bonnet
Cuiribh oirre 's leigibh leathaAdd to it, leave it alone
Tuilleadh air a' bhonaid eileMore on the other bonnet
Chan eil leth gu leòr oirreThere's not half enough on it
Bhonaid a bh' aig Dòmhnall BànDonald Ban's bonnet
Ann an Bothalam na tàmhIs to be found in Bothalam
Bha i uiread ris an spàrrIt was as high as the roof joist
B' àird' i na lòbanHigher than the corn-stack frame
Bhonaid a bh' aig Dòmhnall BànDonald Ban's bonnet
Ann an Bothalam na tàmhIs to be found in Bothalam
Bha i uiread ris an spàrrIt was as high as the roof joist
B' àird' i na lòbanHigher than the corn-stack frame
Hùg air a' bhonaid mhòirCelebrate the great bonnet
Cuiribh oirre 's leigibh leathaAdd to it, leave it alone
Tuilleadh air a' bhonaid eileMore on the other bonnet
Chan eil leth gu leòr oirreThere's not half enough on it
Hùg air a' bhonaid mhòirCelebrate the great bonnet
Cuiribh oirre 's leigibh leathaAdd to it, leave it alone
Tuilleadh air a' bhonaid eileMore on the other bonnet
Chan eil leth gu leòr oirreThere's not half enough on it
Bhonaid a bh' aig Dòmhnall BànDonald Ban's bonnet
Ann an Bothalam na tàmhIs to be found in Bothalam
Bha i uiread ris an spàrrIt was as high as the roof joist
B' àird' i na lòbanHigher than the corn-stack frame
Bhonaid a bh' aig Dòmhnall BànDonald Ban's bonnet
Ann an Bothalam na tàmhIs to be found in Bothalam
Bha i uiread ris an spàrrIt was as high as the roof joist
B' àird' i na lòbanHigher than the corn-stack frame
Da thàbh air an fharaidhTwo spoon-nets in the loft
Tha rud shìos anns a charaidhThere's something in the fish-trap
Da thàbh air an fharaidhTwo spoon-nets in the loft
Tha rud aig an fhaoileigThe seagull has a catch
Da thàbh air an fharaidhTwo spoon-nets in the loft
Tha rud shìos anns a charaidhThere's something in the fish-trap
Da thàbh air an fharaidhTwo spoon-nets in the loft
Tha rud aig an fhaoileigThe seagull has a catch
Ged tha mi gun rud agamAlthough I'm empty-handed
Tha rud shìos anns a' charaidhThere's something in the fish-trap
Ged tha mi gun rud agamAlthough I'm empty-handed
Tha rud aig an fhaoileigThe seagull has a catch
Ged tha mi gun rud agamAlthough I'm empty-handed
Tha rud shìos anns a' charaidhThere's something in the fish-trap
Ged tha mi gun rud agamAlthough I'm empty-handed
Tha rud aig an fhaoileigThe seagull has a catch
Da thàbh air an fharaidhTwo spoon-nets in the loft
Tha rud shìos anns a charaidhThere's something in the fish-trap
Da thàbh air an fharaidhTwo spoon-nets in the loft
Tha rud aig an fhaoileigThe seagull has a catch
Da thàbh air an fharaidhTwo spoon-nets in the loft
Tha rud shìos anns a charaidhThere's something in the fish-trap
Da thàbh air an fharaidhTwo spoon-nets in the loft
Tha rud aig an fhaoileigThe seagull has a catch
Ged tha mi gun rud agamAlthough I'm empty-handed
Tha rud shìos anns a' charaidhThere's something in the fish-trap
Ged tha mi gun rud agamAlthough I'm empty-handed
Tha rud aig an fhaoileigThe seagull has a catch
Ged tha mi gun rud agamAlthough I'm empty-handed
Tha rud shìos anns a' charaidhThere's something in the fish-trap
Ged tha mi gun rud agamAlthough I'm empty-handed
Tha rud aig an fhaoileigThe seagull has a catch
O hùg air a' bhonaid mhòirOh celebrate the great bonnet
Cuiribh oirre 's leigibh leathaAdd to it, leave it alone
Tuilleadh air a' bhonaid eileMore on the other bonnet
Chan eil leth gu leòr oirreThere's not half enough on it
Hùg air a' bhonaid mhòirCelebrate the great bonnet
Cuiribh oirre 's leigibh leathaAdd to it, leave it alone
Tuilleadh air a' bhonaid eileMore on the other bonnet
Chan eil leth gu leòr oirreThere's not half enough on it
Bhonaid a bh' aig Dòmhnall BànDonald Ban's bonnet
Ann an Bothalam na tàmhIs to be found in Bothalam
Bha i uiread ris an spàrrIt was as high as the roof joist
B' àird' i na lòbanHigher than the corn-stack frame
Bhonaid a bh' aig Dòmhnall BànDonald Ban's bonnet
Ann an Bothalam na tàmhIs to be found in Bothalam
Bha i uiread ris an spàrrIt was as high as the roof joist
B' àird' i na lòbanHigher than the corn-stack frame
Hùg air a' bhonaid mhòirCelebrate the great bonnet
Cuiribh oirre 's leigibh leathaAdd to it, leave it alone
Tuilleadh air a' bhonaid eileMore on the other bonnet
Chan eil leth gu leòr oirreThere's not half enough on it
Hùg air a' bhonaid mhòirCelebrate the great bonnet
Cuiribh oirre 's leigibh leathaAdd to it, leave it alone
Tuilleadh air a' bhonaid eileMore on the other bonnet
Chan eil leth gu leòr oirreThere's not half enough on it
Bhonaid a bh' aig Dòmhnall BànDonald Ban's bonnet
Ann an Bothalam na tàmhIs to be found in Bothalam
Bha i uiread ris an spàrrIt was as high as the roof joist
B' àird' i na lòbanHigher than the corn-stack frame
Bhonaid a bh' aig Dòmhnall BànDonald Ban's bonnet
Ann an Bothalam na tàmhIs to be found in Bothalam
Bha i uiread ris an spàrrIt was as high as the roof joist
B' àird' i na lòbanHigher than the corn-stack frame
B' àird' i na lòbanHigher than the corn-stack frame

понедельник, 29 июня 2015 г.

Olenky | Оленки - Каранфилче девојче | Karanfilche devojche

Выступление на празднике Музыки во Львове 21.06.2015р. на Армянской улице. Дополнительными "Олэнками" подрабатывают участницы коллектива средневековой музыки "Львовский Музыкальный Цех". Звучит македонская народная песня "Каранфилче девојче" ("Karanfilche devojche")

Каранфилче девојче | Karanfilche devojche

- Каранфилче, девојче, каранфилче, девојче,
гиди јагне галено, гиди моме мaлено.

Та еле се фалеше, та еле се фалеше,
гиди јагне галено, гиди моме мaлено.

ТОР от "Начала Времён"